Inga Klimašauskienė, Associate Partner, at EELA Conference 2016

Inga Klimašauskienė, Associate Partner at GLIMSTEDT, on 19-21 May, 2016 attended the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA) Conference 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. Around five hundred of the most experienced employment lawyers from all of Europe attended this conference. Labour law experts discussed a number of issues including the new challenges of the volatile century, such as migration across Europe, trying to look to this dramatic issue beyond employment law in a wider human rights and economic context; on-demand economy, which basis is to provide services to customers without having a permanent workforce. Consequently, companies in this industry merely act as intermediaries between customers and service providers via apps. How does this system work? Does it give rise to employment relationships or independent contractors? Extremism in workplace, notably concerning religion, is a growing concern; management employees: where the roles of employment law and company law cross and other relevant issues.

After this intellectual enrichment the lawyers enjoyed blooming Prague with its hundred spires, national cuisine in historical castles and traditional jogging, this time along the Vltava River and the famous bridges along it.

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