GLIMSTEDT attends BICG’s Annual General Meeting and Conference

Lawyers of GLIMSTEDT offices attended the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance (BICG) held on 27 March in Vilnius.  
The Meeting approved the new Board having Bernotas & Dominas GLIMSTEDT Associated Partner Paulius Gruodis among its members and the Corporate Governance Council of BICG, elected the Nomination Committee and approved the annual financial statements.
The afternoon session was opened by Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė‘s keynote address via video. In her address to the Meeting and Conference attendees, the Lithuanian President called the results achieved by BICG in reforming state-owned enterprises “impressive and providing strong value to the State”.
Other speakers at the Conference were Latvian Minister of Economy Daniels Pavluts, Lithuanian Minister of Economy Rimantas Žylius, Professor Ulf Lindgren and Vattenfall Chairman Lars G. Nordström.   
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BICG is a non-profit, non-government initiative set up to raise awareness of good corporate governance in the Baltic Region. The initiative was launched by a group of business partners, such as Bonniers Business Press (Verslo žinios, Dienas Bizness and Äripäev), Ernst & Young, Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt, ISM University, NASDAQ OMX Baltic Stock Exchanges and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
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