Dr. Rimantas Stanikūnas joins the law firm Bernotas & Dominas GLIMSTEDT

On 1 February 2010, Dr. Rimantas StanikÅ«nas joined the law firm Bernotas & Dominas GlLIMSTEDTas an expert in the competition law and consumer rights protection practice group. In 1999, Dr. Rimantas StanikÅ«nas served as the Chairman of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania, and from 1993 to 1999, was the Director of the State Competition and Consumer Rights Protection Authority. In addition to working for the law firm, Dr. Rimantas StanikÅ«nas will continue his lecturer’s career at the Vilnius University.
„Rimantas StanikÅ«nas, with his expertise and extensive experience, will enhance our competition and consumer rights protection practice and will be a welcome addition to our team“, said KÄ™stutis JaskutÄ—lis, the managing partner of Bernotas & Dominas GLIMSTEDT.
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